Are your foils in need of some love?

Many of us focus on our boat maintenance above the water, but when was the last time you looked at your rudder and center (dagger) board? Is it dinged? Scratched? Are the leading and trailing edges smooth or rough? Have you got a chip missing out of the back tip?Your foils are what keeps you going in a (mostly) straight line and pointing to where you want to be.A new set of foils will cost you upwards of $1,500, and repairing and fairing your board is an often overlooked part of boat maintenance. If you are someone who has overlooked your foils for the last few seasons, you might like to consider outsourcing!Brett Beyer is now repairing and painting boards for club members. Boards can be patched up, painted (in a colour of your choice) and faired to a near original condition. Under the class rules (Part Three 14(c) “Surface refinishing

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