Club access from Monday 11 October

It is widely anticipated the COVID vaccination rate will reach 70% in NSW this week which will result in lifting stay-at-home orders for adults who have received both doses of the COVID-19 vaccine from next Monday, 11 October.Once that is announced, for those who members who are double dose vaccinated this will mean:You may attend the club with no 5km restriction.The clubhouse is subject to the 4sqm rule. This means there may be no more than 30 people inside the club at any time.There may be no more than 9 people in the men’s changeroom, 3 people in the women’s changeroom and 2 people in the canteen.It will be possible for up to 20 people to socialise on the deck.20 boats can be rigged at once in the park, and 20 boats can be in proximity on the water.If there are 30 people in the club or 20 boats in

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