This weekend DBSC will be hosting the Metropolitan Championships. Thanks to everyone who has volunteered to help run a great regatta. Volunteers should have already received an email from Mark Crowhurst with details of when and where you need to be. If you haven’t, please email him HERE. Also, we’re still looking for a volunteer to drive the Jazzman on Sunday – let Mark know if you’re keen.We’re expecting to have a large contingent of DBSC sailors join the regatta. For those of you who are planning on sailing, you need to pay the registration fees — both for the NSW/ACT Laser Association membership HERE (if not already paid for the year) and the Regatta Fees for the Metros HERE. Also, remember to proudly wear your DBSC gear on and off the water!Here is the schedule of events for the weekend: SATURDAY 1 FEBRUARY:Registration is 930am to 1130am.Briefing is 1130am.First Warning Signal is 1330 hrs. Subsequent