Festivus Sailing 23 December

Luke Parker reminds us that as our families give us a leave pass to sail each Saturday, it’s our obligation to use it. There is no official club sailing on 23 December as it’s the Christmas weekend, however as Seinfeld fans know, 23 December is also Festivus (Gen Y, Z and younger sailors might want to click this link to understand what we’re talking about: https://youtu.be/1njzgXSzA-A). To celebrate, we’re planning an old school twilight-type experience, and everyone is welcome to join in.  Details:1.30PM launch from the club, rabbit starts, windward-leeward around the fixed buoys in the Harbour. The start sequence is the tricky bit… the nominated lead boat (aka rabbit) will yell and wave to attract attention and then round the bottom buoy on port and sail upwind. The fleet should be lined up on starboard, and each boat ducks the rabbit to start. We’ll rotate the role of rabbit amongst the

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