Membership subscriptions and canteen tabs

Our Membership and Sailing year is from 1 May 2023 to 30 April 2024. The renewal of annual membership subscriptions is issued each year at the beginning of April and due before 1 May for the 2023-24 sailing season.This process is automated, and an email invoice is issued through the RevSport system with Australian Sailing. It is important that membership subs are paid on time as many of our major payments are due during the winter period. Please look out for the email when it comes, and we would appreciate prompt payment before 1 May 2023. If you have any problems with the invoice ,please contact be aware that if you pay online with “Pin” payments there is a processing fee which you can avoid by paying with BSB transfer instead (payment details are on the invoice).It is also time to settle any old accounts in the canteen log book.

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