Race Report

The forecast big Northerly was supressed by rain. So instead of another 20 knot plus day, Score Point heats 5 and 6 were held in a very light breeze which grew slightly over the course of the afternoon. The first race of the day was shortened due to the lack of wind. With the light wind, rig set up and tide management was key.The winners (after handicap) were: Full Rigs: Nick Alexander (Point Score Heat 5) and Steve London (Point Score Heat 6); Radials/4.7s: Emily Ball (Point Score Heat 5) and Kirk Marcolina (Point Score Heat 6). Thanks to the race team for running an efficient day despite the lack of wind — Michael Osborne (PRO), Kate McHugh (LTRaR), Mark Crowhurst (COTD), Jim Dounis (CCO/CO-COTD) and Nick Pellow and Simon Stone who helped Paul and Shirley with canteen orders. 

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