Twilight Sailing Program – Thursdays

As per last weeks Newsletter – Thursdays:We have decided to shift our main twilight night to Thursdays as part of a three month trial, kicking off on Thursday 5 October, listed on our club’s calendar as Twilight Racing. 5pm splash, 5:30pm start on water. There will be an on-water coach to facilitate the racing, and to provide group coaching for those members who sign up.We will keep Wednesday as an informal sailing activity kicking off on Wednesday 4 October, listed on our club’s calendar as Twilight Sailing.How do I book for the Thursday Twilight Racing Program?Members are encouraged to book and pay if they intend to sail semi-regularly on Thursdays, the charge of $120 covers the 12 Thursdays from October to December, (which is about $10 per session) and will help the club cover the costs of having the coach on water and setting the course. Members are still able

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