UPCOMING EVENTSNo racing at DBSC for the next three weekends.Sunday, 7 July: Work-on-Your-Boat Day for those interested. Nominal start: 08:00 Saturday & Sunday July 13 & 14: Queensland Winter ILCA Regatta at RQYS. Please see previous article.Sunday, 28 July: Winter Championship & Point Score series racing (Races 22, 23 & 24). 07:30 Briefing and 08:15 First warning. NB: This is the last race day of the Winter SeriesNext Season’s CalendarVice Commodore Rod Barnes has updated the Sailing Calendar for next season. Here’s the link: DBSC Calendar.

Newsletter on VacationNext newsletter will be on or about August 1st, unless there is some breaking news that needs to be spread. In the meantime, please keep these dates free:Saturday, August 24th: DBSC’s Annual Working Bee – all members are expected to attend.Friday, August 30th: Sailors Season Opening Dinner at the Lord Dudley

Thank you to the members who are

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